It’s all about taking the step of faith,
It’s all about believing that God is there even when your eyes are close,
It’s all about leaving our fears behind and putting our trust in Him,
It’s all about surrendering oneself to be used by God,
It’s all about salvation from God through Jesus,
It’s all about seeing the color of freedom and peace,
It’s all about inhaling life and thanking God,

It’s all about hearing the cry from streets through which Jesus once walked to do the will of God,
It’s all about Son of God, who died and rose again for us,
It’s all about knowing how vast and great He is,
It’s all about celebrating the death of Christ for our deliverance,
It’s all about spitting the past of our sinfulness,
It’s all about forgiving, loving and being there when someone is in need,
It’s all about practicing humbleness as Jesus did in the manger,
It’s all about knowing that He is within us,
It’s all about accepting the nails, thorns and the cross,
It’s all about becoming the vineyard He wants in us,
It’s all about who we are from inside,
It’s all about the fulfilled promises and waiting, hoping and praying for God’s time,
It’s all about the morning we see, the bread He blesses and night to sleep on bed,
It’s all about acknowledging God that we have some one to love,
It's all about the price, which was being paid to redeem us,
It’s all about the single piece of cloth, which we allowed to Jesus on the cross,
It’s all about trampling the snake of sin and temptations,
It’s all about being a blessing rather just waiting for us to be blessed,
It’s all about emptying ourselves for the Holy Ghost to fill us,
It’s all about trying to understand the feelings of losing someone we love,
It’s all about the cross, which wants us to added in the kingdom of God,
It’s all about the cross, which wants us to cross through it to have an eternal life,
It’s all about taking small steps to just a long leap,
It’s all about asking for healing from Jesus, in all aspects of our life.
It’s all about knowing the God who loved us first.”

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